Friday, March 26, 2010

Seriously, desperately in need of a creative director.

I am a magazine junkie. Fanatic. Addict. I love magazines. There is something about the glossy pages gliding through my fingers. The short one liners and relatively short articles. It informs, entertains and leaves me wanting more.

I don't even know how many subscriptions I have. My mailbox is always full. Which always makes me smile. I read on average an entire magazine cover to cover daily. Sometimes two. It is what I do while Ralph is watching tv. What I do before bed. If I need an escape.

Due to the Internet and other factors the publishing industry has come into some trouble. No surprise. But seriously....look at these two covers. Appalling. Really makes me reconsider my subscription to Sacramento Magazine. Not to mention that on their "Best of..." list that the majority of winners happen to be chains.



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