Sunday, November 18, 2007

A year ago today.....

A year ago today, forever changed my life. The fear, anxiety and pain that was involved melted away at 3:49am when you joined me here. All of those feelings were replaced with a warm comforting, intoxicating love that I never imagined I was capable of.

Eleven months ago today, forever changed my life. The sore nipples, aching shoulders and living in a hotel are secondary to the joy I get when you say, “AAAHHH” after you sneeze. I sit for hours and just hold you. No one is as lucky as me.

Ten months ago today, forever changed my life. Moving and unpacking boxes were never quite as fun as doing it with you. When tired and frustrated, sitting down with my girl brings everything back into perspective.

Nine months ago today, forever changed my life. You began to gain independence and rolled over once or twice. I felt a sense of loss as my little darling needed me less, but smiles started to come and they are the best.

Eight months ago today, forever changed my life. We met some new friends. You certainly are the smallest most delicate little one of the group. I really love that you my so lovey are so cuddly.

Seven months ago today, forever changed my life. We went to Avila beach as a family and just enjoyed you. You are the life of the party. The face you make when the sand touches your toes makes me smile.

Six months ago today, forever changed my life. You have decided that a swing is not any fun for you and you break free. You play with Hello bee, and you love to be free.

Five months ago today, forever changed my life. You swim and dunk and love the sun. You are the thinnest of all the girls.

Four months ago today, forever changed my life. I went back to work. And cried the entire way. In the future, I will be the one to comfort you, but now you are the one that comforts me. Your hugs and kisses are the best.

Three months ago today, forever changed my life. You are all over the place. Crawling like a mad lady and getting into things. I crawl around with you and just want a sliver of your enthusiasm and zest for life.

Two months ago today, forever changed my life. We really thought that something was wrong. My heart sinks thinking that you would have to ever suffer. You had an x ray, blood drawn, and many pokes and prod and you smile never left your face.

A month ago today, forever changed my life. You stand and clap. You sing and laugh. It is the most entertaining show in the world.

Today, forever changed my life. Everyday with you makes me strive to be a better person. I had no idea how I was going to do things once you made your debut, now, I have no idea how I survived with out you.
Happy birthday Gia!!!!

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