Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sno -Park.

The state of California funds "Sno-Parks" which we stumbled upon today. For a measly five dollars, a family (as many as can pile into the car) can have a day of fun in the snow. We sledded, built snow men, threw snow balls and acted as if we lived in a snowy climate....

Gia was walking on, falling all over the place, and loving every moment of it.

Honestly, I can't tell you if Gia or Ralph had more fun.

Or me...taking pictures of the entire day was AWESOME!

The Talamantez Gang

Piggyback ride in the snow.

Her precious face after knocking over the cute snow man.

The $5 doesn't get much better than this.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

I want one! Although, snow probably wouldn't last very long here....