The fairy festival did not disappoint. However, I did laugh when Ralph asked me if I was sure that it was for little girls. I guess this is a product of living in northern California. There was a fairy band, face painting, hair dos, manicures, fairy story time, jewelry making, wand making, fairy name, just to state a few.
Gia was in squeals the entire time. One of the drawbacks to moving as frequently as we do is that we do not have that large of a group of people that Gia gets to spend time with. All of the little girls running around doing fairy things was such a treat for our little one.
Gia laughed and laughed the entire time they painted her face. She insisted that it tickled, but wanted more, more makeup!
Fairy story time was a big hit. I was thinking the entire time, what a great and easy thing to do for a little girls birthday party. They were all so happy, innocent and sweet. I had such a good time sitting back and watching Gia develop her social skills from toddler to little girl. She has such a sweet spirit and social soul. Needless to say, after all of the excitement she was tuckered out. It took about three minutes before Mr. Sandman came to her on the ride home.
Oh my word! That is so fun! I WISH WISH WISH we had something like that here. How cute!
That is so cool! I will tuck that away in my mind for future party ideas. Gia was adorable in her wings and makeup.
Gia looked like she had so much fun. My sister had a fairy princess party for my niece for her 3 y/o birthday with a fairy princess who did face paint. It seems to be all the rage with the 3-4 year old set. ;-) I'm glad you got to go. I bet she'll remember this day for a long time to come! What a great mom you are Allison!
Where were these festivals when we were growing up? Completely not fair.
How much fun! That definitely would have been a hit with my girls who are into all things girlie. We own more fairy costumes than I can count!
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