Friday, August 31, 2007

Holly Ascraft

Holly Ashcraft, a 22 year old suspended USC student received a reduced charge of manslaughter today after her defense attorney Mark Geragos (the man with high morals Michael Jackson, Scott Peterson’s attorney) claimed that the baby was stillborn when she placed him in the dumpster therefore it is not murder because there was no intent.

A little background…..this is the SECOND time this murderer has claimed to have a still birth. The first time the authorities where unable to find the babies body. Yes, you read that correctly.

As I have read and researched this story, my blood begins to boil. I am mortified that our society places such little importance on human life. I am not making excuses for Michael Vic and his dog fighting escapades, but he is receiving more media scrutiny than a baby killer. Not only a one time baby killer, but TWICE.

What is wrong with the world today? I am disgusted and mortified.


A Voice of Sanity said...

"... her defense attorney Mark Geragos (the man with high morals Michael Jackson, Scott Peterson’s attorney) claimed that the baby was stillborn when she placed him in the dumpster therefore it is not murder because there was no intent".

He is sworn to offer any reasonable hypothesis that can be made for the accused. If he failed to do so, she would be entitled to a retrial on the grounds of attorney incompetence.

Amanda said...

Oh no! I didn't realize we were so close to you! I'm not familiar with the geography of the area. You are a blessed woman to live there! Have you heard of Frances Chan? I think his church is there. He is great! You should check him out.

McCall said...

Here's the thing that gets my blood boiling:

I get sick from the first 3 seconds.

I've written so many letters/email about this footage. And yet has anyone even heard of this situation/seen this video? But EVERYONE knows about Vic and his dogs. You are SO right.