Wednesday, May 20, 2009

American we heart thee.

While yes, the Talamantez home is so happy that Kris has been crowned the winner of AI 2009, my personal favorite was the bikini face off. Literally moments prior to this happening I was defending AI's newest judge to hubs (who refers to her as the "hater") and nonchalantly commented, "And seriously, she's almost forty...her body rocks."

When low and behold she unzips her dress is the most classy, wardrobe malfunction way. Regardless, I really like Kris...and I love Kara. Oh, and I think Paula is a W-I-T-C-H....she did not cheer for Kris. I know she is an Adam lover, but show some respect for your own program.

Enough Idol nonsense.

1 comment:

~Holly~ said...

Totally agree in all aspects!!!