Thursday, May 17, 2007

Because of you I walk the line

Walking. Walking. Walking. This is Gia and I's new thing. Similar to my days in San Francisco, we are walking everywhere now. To the grocery store. For exercise. Around the block in hopes that it will soothe my fussy darling.

While this may seem far from proliphic to most, I am finding it to be a very spiritual journey. G gets strapped in the jogging stroller with her toy and I strap on the MP3 player (not an I Pod because really MUST I give in to Apple's amazing advertising campaign? No, I think not.) and away we go.

Originally, the goal was to lose my remaining "baby weight". What it has turned into is a revitalization of my soul. How I have forgotten the many foggy mornings walking from the Embarcadaro to the Financial District. How refreshing it is for your soul. Take a deep breath in. Smell the salty water of the bay. And think, "My, how blessed am I?"

The point is that I am realizing more and more what an amazing life I lead. How fortunate I am. This little lady that lights up my life. She smiles from ear to ear and tears well in my eyes, because I know how fast she will grow. My husband calls from work, and he truly is the man that I have always dreamed of, but is ever so more than I could even imagine. Yet, it takes me walking around our little neighborhood (mind you, I was adimatlly AGAINST this one, and now I would not want to live anywhere else) and thinking to life is wonderful.

So, because of you I walk the line. Thank you for blessing me with such an amazing life. Wonderful parents that have proven to be the best leaders for the path unto which my life has followed. A partner that understands and appreciates who I am, faults and all. And certainly not last, the lovely lady....asleep and I can ONLY pray that you will let her stay that way ALL NIGHT LONG!

I will do everything I can to be the best at all that you ask of me. I love you all and am so thankful for each of you.

Gummy Smiles and Drooly Kisses,
Allison and Gia

Monday, May 14, 2007

Because I am your mommmy....

Because I am your mommy, sitting in a rocking chair is the highlight of my day.

Because I am your mommy, I am learning to be patient with your daddy.

Because I am your mommy, I want brown hair that is just like yours.

Because I am your mommy, Gymboree and Baby Gap are my favorite places to shop.

Because I am your mommy, rising at 4am is a treat.

Because I am your mommy, drool is something I enjoy.

Because I am your mommy, I would walk through fire, create a scrap book, file a million folders, fend off a swap of snakes and eat a plate of green bell peppers if that is what I had to do to be with you.

Because I am your mommy, gummy smiles are the best kind.

Because I am your mommy, I love the way a porpoise sounds.

Because I am your mommy, changing your diaper is the perfect opportunity to give that cutie booty a love pat.

Because I am your mommy, I sing "Away in a Manger" everyday.

Because I am your mommy, I know what is truly important in life.

Because I am your mommy, I strive to be a better person.

Because I am your mommy, I want to be closer to God.

Because I am your mommy, I am complete.

I love you baby girl. Thank you for the best mother's day present ever....the opportunity to be your mom!

Because you are my meezer....

Because you are my meezer, I know how to give the greatest love pats.

Because you are my meezer, I know that a word is just a word and the meaning behind it is what is most important.

Because you are my meezer, I thank God everyday for my little girl and know that children truly are the loves of our lives.

Because you are my meezer, I cackle and seek out every opportunity to do so.

Because you are my meezer, I have a work ethic that is strong and fierce.

Because you are my meezer, I look up to you and I am proud to be your daughter.

Because you are my meezer, I know how it feels to be loved unconditionally and how to love unconditionally.

Because you are my meezer, I understand the difference between obnoxious and borderline obnoxious.

Because you are my meezer, I am a great wife and mother.

Because you are my meezer, I know how to be a friend.

Because you are my meezer, I do the right thing even though it may not always be the easiest thing to do.

Because you are my meezer, I may be tone deaf but sing with all my heart because it makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Because you are my meezer, one drink makes me say "Hello? Hello? Yes, we would LOVE to have Santa Claus come and stay with us!"

Because you are my meezer, I have wavy hair, really crazy wavy hair that looks different every morning.

Because you are my meezer, I can find a piece of furniture in the garbage and turn it into a Pottery Barn look a like.

Because you are my meezer, going to your house is the greatest vacation of all.

Thank you for being the greatest mother on earth. I cherish you with every fiber of my being and pray to the good Lord above that he will find in me all that you have taught so I can pass those lessons and joys on to Gia.

I love you Meez.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Like dating all over again....

So Gia and I went to her Patty Cake and Peek a boo class yesterday. We met this AWESOME mom and baby. We exchanged numbers and now, it's just like dating all over again. How long do you wait to call? I don't want to seem to eager, but I don't want to seem too nonchalant.

It's just that this mom seems like she and I would have been friends pre baby, not just because of baby. That's something I miss. I mean my mom friends are great. I chose to surround myself with gals that have like minded philosophies on child rearing, but I need one of those to be like my fabulous crew of gal pals.

So, I think I am going to go with the two day rule...I'll let you know if we decide to see each other again after I call on Tuesday!

Gummy smiles and Drolly kisses,
Gia and Allison

Monday, May 7, 2007

Baby Bling, Bling

It happened. We had one of those weekends where everything is oh so lovely, that you are so full of love for your family and the unity that we have together that you so desperately don't want to weekend to end and does. Monday morning rolls around. Ralph off to work, Gia and I off to getting the mundane details of life situated and the daily blunders roll in and out just like the tide.
Our weekend was incredible. Friday and the actual day of Saturday were pretty uneventful and required numerous hours at the office for Ralph so that we could complete our great adventure. 3pm Saturday....depart to the wonderful land of Indio. Arrive Indio 6pm. Walk up to the festival where we are surprised by (a) how incredibly large this festival is and (b) the sheer number of "over served" individuals.

We scour the premises for Anheuser Busch products. Finally we are VICTORIOUS....except they are clear on the other side of the world from where we are. Hike over. Indulge in a frosty (as frosty as they come out of a cold box and a plastic cup) cold Budweiser for me, Bud Light for Ralph and trek back to our spot.

v>We can't complete the hike until we figure our exactly what we are going to do to ensure Gia's passie stays attached to a member of our family at all times. Eureka! I have a nice necklace on. I'll take it off and put her passie through the necklace and it will be kind of like one of those awful pacifier holders. Done. Thus, the invention of "Baby Bling, Bling".

Head back to the other side of the world. Just in time for Alan Jackson to take the stage. He gave a very nice performance, but this Texas girl and half Texan family where there for the next act.....GEORGE STRAITT! Oh, what a glorious feeling it is that I can stand with my family and belt out his lovely lyrics and no one so much as glances in my direction!

Gia fell asleep in her Baby Bjorn and missed part of it. She then came to and danced the night away with Ralph and I.

We drove home from Indio because I have still not gotten over my distaste for Hotels or meals cooked away from home. Slept in (as much as you can with a five and a half month old) Ralph made breakfast and I made a "Seis de Mayo" dinner.

Lovely weekend. I just wish it din't have to end.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Today's the day

As I have sat for the past five and a half months watching my little bean grow, I just thought that my waist line would diminish as well. Well, some of it has but there is still some to go. Today is the day to face the music and really get going. Gia is so active that she has trouble gaining weight, so I thought....if I could just channel some of her energy to me I would be back to a healthy place in no time.

Yesterday I timed it. The amount of time it takes for me to walk around the small development where our home is. Twenty minutes. I figure, if Gia and I take three twenty minute jaunts she will sleep better at night (hence I will to...not completely selfless in this act), we can explore the different flowers that our neighbors have so graciously planted for our sniffing pleasure and as an added bonus this final ten will come off!

As for Gia, she has the most amazing brown eyes. It is truly amazing. Ralph's have always melted my heart and now hers are just like his. Ralph always consoles Gia that my gene pool was unable to pull through for her in the eye department, but I disagree. She has the most amazing almond shaped, brow eyes that could melt any ones heart. I just gaze into them and think to myself....I hope that she will understand how much we love her...even when we won't let her go do something crazy when she's sixteen.

We're off to Costco now to pick up our Mother's Day cards. Gia always flirts with the greeter at Costco. It is yet another astonishing thing about our beautiful daughter. Her ability to charm, already.

Gummy smiles and Drolly kisses,
Gia and Allison~