Monday, May 14, 2007

Because you are my meezer....

Because you are my meezer, I know how to give the greatest love pats.

Because you are my meezer, I know that a word is just a word and the meaning behind it is what is most important.

Because you are my meezer, I thank God everyday for my little girl and know that children truly are the loves of our lives.

Because you are my meezer, I cackle and seek out every opportunity to do so.

Because you are my meezer, I have a work ethic that is strong and fierce.

Because you are my meezer, I look up to you and I am proud to be your daughter.

Because you are my meezer, I know how it feels to be loved unconditionally and how to love unconditionally.

Because you are my meezer, I understand the difference between obnoxious and borderline obnoxious.

Because you are my meezer, I am a great wife and mother.

Because you are my meezer, I know how to be a friend.

Because you are my meezer, I do the right thing even though it may not always be the easiest thing to do.

Because you are my meezer, I may be tone deaf but sing with all my heart because it makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Because you are my meezer, one drink makes me say "Hello? Hello? Yes, we would LOVE to have Santa Claus come and stay with us!"

Because you are my meezer, I have wavy hair, really crazy wavy hair that looks different every morning.

Because you are my meezer, I can find a piece of furniture in the garbage and turn it into a Pottery Barn look a like.

Because you are my meezer, going to your house is the greatest vacation of all.

Thank you for being the greatest mother on earth. I cherish you with every fiber of my being and pray to the good Lord above that he will find in me all that you have taught so I can pass those lessons and joys on to Gia.

I love you Meez.

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