Friday, December 31, 2010

2011. Bring it.

Three T's.  A very happy bunch.
I am filled with hope, excitement and anxiety as we embark on 2011. 2010 has been a really amazing year. It has been a year of strength, stability, exploration and joy that leaves me full to the brim. That is pretty amazing when you read the headlines of the year.

And here we are in the shadow of the ball about to ring in 2011.

So much is coming that is great. Most of all the newest addition to our family. I stand hand in hand with my support system from both a personal and professional standpoint and look ahead. Clearly anticipating greatness, knowing change is upon us and energized about the unknown.

Thank you 2010. You have been fantastic. I am confident that 2011 is better. Because really it is all about what we chose to make it anyways, right?

Christmas loot.

After twenty minutes of Christmas Eve mass (G became lethargic due to her super high fever) and our time in the emergency room, we came home and went to bed. Then low and behold a large man in a red velvet suit came down our chimney to visit. He brought Gia a train and hot chocolate. Unfortunately, he did not stay to cook. Maybe next year old man.

Stockings were hung, cookies eaten and children healing. All is right with the world when you get to be a parent on Christmas eve/morning.

And this is what happens when the non analytical parent (me) gets put in charge of creating a train maze. Santa leaves the extra pieces behind. I like the way that man thinks. Let the kid problem solve. He is getting up there in age.
And the little one didn't even notice. Sweet girl was giddy with delight. We cut Christmas in half this year and she was still overwhelmed with all of the presents that she had. Next year we are doing fewer gifts and more giving.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Eve sleigh day.

Prior to our excursion to the emergency room (Gia had a UTI and a 103 fever- on Christmas Eve. You go to the e-room), we headed to do some sledding on Christmas Eve. We know how to roll here in the T world...a bucket of chicken, a bag of Dorito's and some snow. We are set for a perfect Christmas Eve day.
We (ahem, Ralph and G) built a frosty. Which Gia promptly kicked over. Gia fell on her head and made a goose egg. There were smiles, laughs, tears and a bit of fit throwing. I did a whole lot of picture taking and sitting on the other sled.

Here is Ralph having Gia talk to him on his Flip. He got that crazy thing on Woot and I think he has died and gone to heaven. Now if we were only patient enough to upload it all to YouTube.
We ended the day with snow angels. Again, to clarify. 38 weeks was not participating in snow angels. Which is kind of a shame becuase that would have made for some sweet pics. And trouble I am sure. Hope that your Christmas Eve was fantastic.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Rice Krispie train.

Christmas Eve, Eve, Gia and I decided to make our Rice Krispie Treat train.  I had bought this kit at Michael's and thought it would be an easy hit.  And sure enough, it was.

And here is where mom goes and jumps on three conference calls while Gia makes a Christmas themed candy necklace.  Super entertaining and gave me the time to do what I needed to do.

Dad helped her decorate the "Rice Krispie Balls" while I wrapped things up.  We then proceeded on to the train.  Chug a chug a choo choo!

Super fun and I think we will be doing this again and again (the mold is reusable....SCORE)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Big girl getting ready.

The last time we took a small trip to San Francisco we stayed in a room that had the perfect set up for our little fashionista. Literally, the highlight of the trip was the time she spent staring, playing, creating, make upping and living in the bathroom. Pretty sure she would die is we could some how remodel her much more spacious bathroom to something of this fashion...for now.
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Monday, December 20, 2010

Ice skating.

These two sweet hearts went ice skating. No one had to go to the emergency room, but we did leave with an ice pack.

Not quite sure if the skating was more fun or thinking that she was wearing some sort of high heel shoe. Either way, she loved it.

And Ralph loved every minute of helping her learn to skate. Super fun to watch. Slightly jealous that I could not get out there and show off my "Toe Pick" (name that movie) action.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Santa...we know him!!!!!!

We went to San Francisco and met with Jace for our annual cousins visit to Santa. Gia asked again this year for Hot Chocolate. Getting two toddlers (Gia is still a toddler to me) is more difficult than one would expect. Santa looks pretty good from this angle. Up close? He wears Uggs and is a serious long term smoker. But his beard is real. Really, really, really, real.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas frenzy.

Gia and I have been feverishly baking, creating and caroling.  I am thrilled it is Christmas time.  Exhausted, but thrilled.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

New York City.

A few weeks ago, Ralph and I dropped off our ever growing football (the G, we decided to keep Baby T with us on this trip- simply for logistical reasons) off in Houston and after a delicious but comical (think two old people singing Kenny Rogers- Michael Bolton style in a smoky Mexican restaurant) dinner with my parents and the G boarded a plane and headed to the Big Apple.
Originally we were going to Miami. But seriously, who wants to see the backside of a thirty some odd week pregnant woman. Certainly not the thirty some odd week pregnant woman. So we went to NYC. Where in theory you can wear leggings and tights and scarfs and coats.
We stayed in two separate places on Wall Street and they both had awesomeness. If you are looking for the most amazing experience go to the Hotel Andez. If you want some chilling views of Ground Zero, head the the Millennium.
We walked the Brooklyn Bridge, ate, ate and ate some more. Watched a fight at Jay-Z's club, had lunch with dear friends and discovered Eataly.
Don't ever go to the 40-40 club to be wowed. RT wants to have a bromance with Jay-Z and made sure preggers had a place to sit.
View from our second hotel room. Creepy beyond belief. I just kept thinking about what the occupant on 9.11 must have been thinking.
Walking to Eataly. It was such an amazing day. The weather was unseasonably warm, sunny and delicious.
Brianne and I. It was such a treat to connect. We have not seen each other since our wedding. CRAZY. It can not be that long until our next meeting.

Next year we plan on tossing the Baby T football and taking Miss G to NYC for her first time. I think she can hack it. The city that never sleeps seems like it is her kind of town.