Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas recap.

This year it was just the three T's for Christmas and it was really nice. On Christmas Eve, we spent the day gathering our eats and getting ready for mass. We went to 7:30 mass and then came home and had ham. It was nice. There were two pretty darn cute elves running around. One that was so excited about all of the presents.
We opened our new pj's and then we set off to gather all of the goodies for the man in red. We made the traditional pineapple upside down cake, wrote a nice letter for Santa and put Rudolph's carrots out.
Gia did indeed get her hot chocolate and some marshmallows too. Santa left snow on the carpet which was really cool. She was so excited for everything. Really, opening presents was such a burden because she just wanted to play. We then headed to Fresno and got to give cute little Jace some huge kisses and do some Christmas celebrating with him. Hope your Christmas was fantastic!

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