Sunday, March 15, 2009

Lunch on the patio.

Lunch on the patio is something that Gia and I both love to do. If I am home for lunch (usually on Thursday, Friday and the weekends) we are eating outside. Even today, when the weather was like this.....rainy, cloudy and cold. I decided to bundle her up to stop the horrific tantrum that she was throwing.
I really thought that after we got out there that she would have no interest in staying. Everything was wet...which she kept telling me with great squeels of was quite cold and windy...pretty miserable.
My reverse phsycology did not work. She could have cared less. Enjoyed every minute of the sixty two that we were outside (no, I wasn't counting) eating, blowing bubbles and running around. I am sure that she is glad that her dad was not this would have NEVER happened.
We had fun. I just hope that we don't have to do it again too soon.

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