Monday, September 27, 2010

Seven months and a heat wave.

For the love. The high is ninety nine degrees today. That is NINE-NINE people. And I live in Northern California.

Oh, and did someone mention that I am seven months pregnant.

Seven Months.

My body would really appreciate a brisk, fall season.

Reasons why?

- My non pregnant self prefers this time of year. Affectionately referred to as Autumn.
- Leaves turning, pumpkin spice, and steaming hot mugs of whatever sound good.
- Running/Jogging/Whatever nonsense I have been doing is much easier when it is a reasonable temperature.

and last, but certainly not least......

- At seven months pregnant my bottom really needs leggings, jeans, some sort of coverage people. Seriously, it is not good for me or anyone else to see said pregnant back side jumping into a bathing suit right now.

Oh, and did I mention in two weeks I will be in Miami on business. Loving. My. Figure. Loving it.
But I will be loving some Cuban food. Lots. of. it.


kberry said...

Love it, work it, own it, mama! You're growing an amazing little human in there. Do what you have to do to keep cool and sane. And for once, we're having 65 degree weather while you're having a heat wave! Hope you're hanging in there!

~Holly~ said...

Come to Houston! We are having a cold front. If you count from high nineties to high eighties a cold front! :)