Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ode to a buff puff.

You will be providing our own Ode to a buff puff.

Oh Buff Puff, Oh Buff Puff

I love how you scrub

With glow and dew is how you leave my face

It is clear

And for that, I think you are pretty swell!

Just try it. Seriously, just try it.


Tricia said...

Back in high school, my family decided to convert me from my non-makeup wearing ways...or really we all took makeup lessons for my sister's wedding... Anyway, the first thing we learned was that most skin problems are the soaps. Who knew?

I need to try the buff puff though. I swear my face is worse now than it was when I was a teenager!

Amanda said...

That's awesome! I have tried many things but I always turn back to the Clearasil foaming face wash that I started using in 6th grade.